Friday, January 31, 2014

Kind Words for Crazy Razor

Some nice reviews of Crazy Razor:
"Readers will find Crazy Razor an intriguing, compelling, yet disturbing book. A novel grounded in a solid base of reality. And one well worth reading."  
-Mike McGreehan, Correspondent, Monclarion and Piedmonter newspapers and
"I opened Crazy Razor up as we took off, and closed it as we were arriving back at Oakland airport one week later.  I couldn’t put it down.  I was absolutely floored that I read every line of the entire book (in less than a year to boot) and didn’t have my normal trouble reading it. 
Loved it.  Thanks.  My wife said that it must have been that the subject was on my mind and very familiar to me, but I think it was more than that…. Levin did a good job.  He sucked me in and held me there, then spit me out at the end."
-Dennis Giacovelli, Director at Large, Vietnam Veterans of Diablo Valley
"Through Levin's writing, everybody can know more about the perspective of the war, people and the life at that time. His writing is a bridge between the past and present.  People cannot live at  the present without the past. It is precious to read it...Vietnam is not only the war country of the past but is now the peaceful and beautiful country as well." 
-N. Hoang, Hanoi
"Crazy Razor is much more interesting than I was expecting because Levin's emphasis is on the dark recesses of human nature within the context of such an ugly war rather than on strategies, and tactics.  I could not put it down.  It is a profound book about the motives we use to justify our actions, the ugliness of war and the latitude it gives people to be at their very worst."
-S. Reynolds, Ph. D, Clinical Psychologist
"Levin deftly explores the nature of man amidst the chaos and horror of war. And while the main character is no prince charming, Crazy Razor demonstrates with stark clarity that the real villain in war is war itself."
-R. Fahr, Alive,  August 2013

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Montclarion/Piedmonter Article

An article recently appeared about Crazy Razor and me in the Montclarion and Piedmonter. Here are a couple of different links, both articles being very similar, but the first one including an extra assessment of the novel by the reporter:

New Book

My latest book, The Many Deaths of Comrade Binh: Tales from the Vietnam War, has hit the shelves!

Own it today: